We all know that the products in our industry are no joke, with hundreds if not thousands to choose from. We usually find our favorites, stick with them and try not to got too overwhelmed. But what happens when you have those clients that your products just are not working for? We brought in our 901 Artist, Tim Dueñes to tell us how he manages all the options out there. He gives details of each type of product in a line as well as a great way to test them out. Don’t miss this game changing info!

Tim Dueñas
Suggested Courses
All Courses, Cut, Specialty
Episode 69 - It’s Shear Genius
(All About Shears With Chul Jo)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Styling
Episode 130 - 40’s Hair with a Modern Flair
(Creative Hairstyling with Ted Gibson)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Styling
Episode 194 - Excuse me, Can I be BLUNT?
(Styling with Graham Nation)1 Lessons $30.00