Hey BCTV! Our very own Riawna Capri is here for an extra special three part series and we’re sooooo ready for it! Okay, so…how often do you get that client in that has SUPER fine hair but wants all the layers in the world? Maintaining fullness while adding in layers can be very tricky, so Riawna is going to show you exactly how she goes about it to ensure the most flawless of results. She’s going to take you through her entire process and share all kinds of critical cutting techniques that you definitely don’t want to miss! We are LOVING the cut…it’s so fresh and light but still has lots of beautiful volume. Be sure to tune in next week to see Riawna tackle her client’s color; she’s going to bump up her blonde and breathe some serious life back into her hair. We can’t wait for you to check it out!

Riawna Capri