This week on BCTV is a fun one! We're shootin' the shit again and this time it's all about the girls! Nikki, Riawna, Sarah and Tracey are giving us insight on how Woman can make their mark in this industry! These girls have worked so hard to be where they are and they wanna help you get there too!

Riawna Capri

Nikki Lee

Sarah Potempa

Tracey Cunningham
Suggested Courses
All Courses, Business, Specialty
Episode 14 - Shooting the Shit in the Shampoo Room
(Hair Talk with Nikki, Riawna, Charlie Price and Justin Anderson)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Business, Specialty
Episode 32 - Shooting the Shit in the Shampoo Room
(Hair Talk with Nikki Lee and Riawna Capri)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Business, Specialty
Episode 156 - The Price is Right...or is it?
(Establishing your Worth with Gina Bianca)1 Lessons $30.00