This week on BCTV is a special one. Nikki and Riawna sit down with this month's guest artists for some special hair talk! They'll talk about challenges we face in our industry as well as some tips and tricks. Come hang with us while we shoot the shit in the shampoo room! Monday October 10th at 9:01am!!!

Nikki Lee

Riawna Capri

Charlie Price
Suggested Courses
All Courses, Business, Specialty
Episode 25 - Shooting the Shit in the Shampoo Room
(Hair Talk with Riawna Capri, Nikki Lee, Sarah Potempa and Tracey Cunningham)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Business, Specialty
Episode 32 - Shooting the Shit in the Shampoo Room
(Hair Talk with Nikki Lee and Riawna Capri)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Business, Specialty
Episode 45 - What is a Brand?
(Social Tips with Nina Kovner)1 Lessons $30.00