All right guys…its time to sprinkle a little bit of viral magic onto BCTV! This week, we have Nine Zero One’s very own Lauren Burke with us and she is going to share with you how to achieve the Internet phenomenon that is the Dirty Brunette! What’s that, you ask? It’s essentially a brunette base topped with warm, golden highlights; the anecdote to the dirty blonde that we’ve needed in our lives. To make this episode even more fabulous, Lauren will be demonstrating these innovative color techniques on none other than our very own Riawna Capri! Let’s be real...her hair is always pretty fab, but this is a whole new level. We’re sooooo here for this look!

Lauren Burke
Suggested Courses
All Courses, Color
Episode 59 - Toning after a Highlight: Brunette Edition
(Step by Step Tap and Toning with Riawna Capri)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Color
Episode 172 - Dirty Brunette: The Alternative Options Part 1
(Color with Lauren Burke)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Color
Episode 190 - The Sunlit Brunette: Part 2
(Color with Nikki Lee)1 Lessons $30.00