We’re back right here on BCTV and this week is all about toning! To finish off his model’s look, Chris is going to be doing some root shadow, mid blending, some balayage, AND add a little extra pop of lowlight to maintain this fabulously multidimensional color. He actually uses several different toners throughout his model’s hair to achieve that seamlessly lived-in look. He’ll be taking you through his entire toning process as well as share with you exactly what color combinations he’s using and precisely where and how to place them. If you missed part one, be sure to check it out so you can see Chris’ initial application process. We’re obsessed with the final look; it’s the perfect way to keep your brunettes bright without making them feel too blonde. We can’t wait for you to see it for yourself!

Chris Weber Mirlach
Suggested Courses
All Courses, Color
Episode 83 - Get Lost in the Dimension
(Blonde Color with Riawna Capri)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Color
Episode 187 - Perfectly Multidimensional, Lived-in Color: Part 1
(Color with Chris Weber Mirlach)1 Lessons $30.00 -
All Courses, Color
Episode 198 - You GLOW Girl! Part 1
(Color with Marissa Sue)1 Lessons $30.00